Rebuilding of Kaaba

When Muhammad (SAW) reached the age of thirty, heavy rains came down in Makah and the walls of Kaaba fell and it was destroyed. The Quraishy wanted to rebuild and renovate it, thus all the chiefs of the different clans of Quraishy got together to discuss the affair, and decided to rebuild it and put a new roof. They thus started the work, and among the people who were working on the site was Muhammad (SAW) himself.

It was rebuilt, but it could not be completed, as there were no enough funds. Thus, they left part of it not completed, and built a short wall to show the position of the Kaaba, and that area is known as Maqaam Ismail. They raised the walls to a height of about forty feet, more than what it was before and raised the door in such a way that one could only enter it by climbing up the steps.
Then came the time to put back the holy Black Stone (Hajar L-Aswad), here the different clans argued as to who would do that work. They argued and nearly fought a war, and remained in this situation for four days without coming to an agreement. One of the Quraishy elders by the name of Abu Umayyah bin L-Mughyra L-Makhzumy, the uncle of Khalid bin Waleed, said:
“O my people! Do not fight; instead find a solution to your problem which would satisfy all of you.”
They said: “We shall allow the first person who walks through that door to judgment us and solve our problem.”
As they were saying this, Muhammad (SAW) walked in. When they saw him, they said: “Here is L-Amin, we have agreed he will judge us.”
They explained to him the problem. Muhammad (SAW) took off his robe and lay it on the ground, then put the stone on it and said: “Let one person from each clan hold my robe and then lift it up, together.”
Therefore, they lifted it all together to the position where the stone was to be laid, and Muhammad (SAW) placed it in its place with his hands and they were all happy and satisfied. The argument ended in peace, by Allah’s wisdom, Abu Umayyah had the brains to think quickly and guided his people, and Muhammad (SAW) had the ability to judge and put them in the right direction that led to a peaceful solution.



Reference: The Twenty Five Prophets

By: Sheikh Nasser bin Issa bin Saeed Al Kindi

To read more click here:

The Twenty Five Prophets


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