• “And We will make it easy for you (to follow) the simple path.” Qur’an (87:8),

The path of Islam is simply and easy. It seems very natural and primodial for human beings to follow.

➡ On the other hand, spiritual development and perfection may be more difficult to achieve because it requires striving and it involves complete surrender to Allah’s Will in all our affairs:
thoughts, speech and actions; But after that surrender Allah’s grace and love will make our path simple and easy.

  1. Wonderful are the ways of Allah in creation, and the love with which He guides His servants’ destinies, gives them the means by which to strive for reaching their spiritual goals step-by-step.
  • Act for the day is to understand that Allah’s law is just and easy; And His Grace and Love is ever ready to help us; Let us look to the eternal goal, with hearts and minds of purity; and Glorify His name; for in this changing, fleeting world,
  • His Word is always True and above everything, and will remain that way through all the ages.By: Hafidh bin Saif Alrawahy.

    Islamic Information Center-Oman



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