Messages To The Hearts

“We have sent the Scripture down to you [Prophet] with the Truth for people. Whoever follows the guidance does so for his own benefit; whoever strays away from it does so at his own peril. You are not in charge of them.” Qur’an  (39:41)

To remind you what the Qur’an itself tells us of those who really receive its message in their hearts:

When Allah is mentioned, their hearts quake; it increases their faith; they fall down upon their faces, weeping; it shivers their skin; their hearts soften; it increases their humility; you see their eyes overflow with tears; etc.

The Qur’an was first sent down to the ‘heart’ or inner person of the Prophet, you will therefore, reap full joy of the Qur’an only when you are able to involve your inner self in your recitation.

Be prepared to receive the Qur’an as if being addressed to you from Allah, and as being fully relevant to your own time and situation.

Consider that the message in each verse is meant for you personally, whether it be a norm or value, a statement or piece of knowledge,  a promise or a warning, a command or prohibition.

➡Action for the day is:
to pray to Allah to enable us to recite the Qur’an as it ought to be recited and not to make us like those, to whom the Book was given before, but with time their hearts hardned; or they carry it like a donkey carrying books; or about whom the Prophet will, on the Day of Judgement, complain:
“O my Lord! These my people have abandoned the Qur’an.” (Qur’an 25:30)

By: Hafidh bin Saif Alrawahy
Islamic Information Center-Oman


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