Islamic Response to Atheists

An atheist is a person who does not believe in the existence of God the Almighty and denies the life hereafter. Hence atheists do not believe that there is a Creator who created the universe and what it contains; meanwhile they deny that there will be resurrection and life after death. In short atheist’s main arguments are: (a) The entire universe and whatever in contains existed randomly and by coincidence, and (b) Do not believe in the unseen beings.

It does not require much thinking to note that these arguments could not be raised from a sane person with common sense. To start with, is there anything existing in this world without a maker who brought that thing into existence? Then how comes that the world, the universe with all its galaxies, stars, solar system and countless others which are in perfect order and precision, have just appeared and continuously being sustained randomly by coincidence without a Creator and Sustainer? If nature created this world, from where it brought its contents, constituents, elements, inhabitants etc..?

Islam not only affirms the existence of God; it teaches that the belief in the existence of God was never the achievement of human mind; it is part of human nature. In the Quran God the Almighty questions, “If you ask them: ‘Who created the heavens and the earth?’ they will surely answer: ‘Allah (God).’ Tell them: ‘What do you think, then, of the deities whom you call upon instead of Allah? If Allah should will that an affliction befall me, will those deities remove the harm inflicted by Him? Or if Allah should will that I receive (His) Mercy, will they be able to withhold His Mercy from me?’ Say: ‘Allah is sufficient for me; those who have to put their trust, let them put their trust in Him”. [Qur’an chapter 39, verse 38]. On the concept of creation, God asks, “Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators (of themselves)? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain” [Qur’an chapter 52, verses 35-36].

If somebody told you that he has seen a ship loaded with various equipment appeared by coincidence without a maker, and it sailed on the sea without a captain or controller, would you believe that? Consider smartphones which are made of glasses (silicon or sand particles), plastics (made from oil) and wires (made of copper which can be mined beneath mountains). Would you believe someone telling you that randomly and by coincidence the sun shone, the wind blew, lightning struck, the oil bubbled to the surface and mixed with the sand and metal, and over millions of years the smartphone came together by random natural coincidences, and thus you can now pick several smartphones if you walk around a sandy, mountainous oil field? Nobody with common sense would believe that. If the smartphone must have been designed, manufactured, programmed and maintained, how about this universe that was made for us even before we were born? The sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the sky, etc…, each existing in its perfect order without failing, can all those occurrences manifest themselves without a Creator? And has coincidence made those orders?

Referring to the second atheist’s argument (b) of not believing in the unseen, we would like to draw attention to the existence of electricity, which we cannot see. Imagine when electric lights and fans are switched on and then someone asks, “Is there electricity here?” What would be people’s response? “Are you out of your mind? Can’t you see the lights and the fans working?” He could question, “Where is this electricity?” A logical answer could be, “It is the effect of electrical energy across conducting cables, etc… which you cannot see but you can see the outcome through the electrically driven devices”. Similarly you can see God creations (sun, moon, oceans, trees, humans, animals, etc…) without seeing God the Creator.

We know that with advancements in science and technology, the use of electromagnetism, x-rays, etc… caused a tremendous scientific revolution in the world of satellites, computers, telecommunication, the internet, etc… However, do we see electrons? Do we see magnetism? Do we see x-rays? Do we see electromagnetic waves? Do we see gravity? etc…?

In addition, an atheist’s argument, “if God existed, why don’t we see him as we see the sun, the moon, the mountains, the sea, and others?” can be responded by a question, “Do you have a soul in your body, and brain inside your head?! The atheist will say yes, I have a soul in my body, and brain in my head. If asked, “Have you ever seen your soul?” He will say, “no”. Thus the atheist approved and admitted the existence of what he doesn’t see. By approving and admitting the existence of the soul because of the effect of its presence, he should admit the existence of God because all of the creations that exist in this world which are the signs that prove God’s existence, ability, and are enough evidence of God’s absolute knowledge and wisdom.

The Qur’an generally employs the term “ayah” to designate anything that gives news of, or point towards, the existence of God. It is equally correct to translate “ayah” as “sign” or “evidence” and these terms are useful for those who really want to pursue a rationalistic approach to the question of God’s existence. According to the Qur’anic view, everything in the universe (literally everything) is a sign pointing towards existence of God. “We shall show them Our signs in the horizons and in themselves, until Truth becomes manifest to them. Is it not enough that your Lord does witness all things?” [Qur’an chapter 41, verse 53]. Man can realize the truth of God’s existence by pondering upon God’s creations. The universe is an expression of God’s signs for people of intellect to ponder upon, leading to His glorification. God is not visible to us, but we can realize His existence by observing His signs in His creation.


By/ Saeed bin Salim Almufarji





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