“By The Morning Brightness And By The Night When It Grows Still..


  • Today’s thought comes from the Qur’an,

Surah 93 (ad-Dhuha) Ayah 1-5:

  • “By the morning brightness and by the night when it grows still, your Lord has not forsaken you, nor does He hate you, and the future will be better for you than the past; your Lord is sure to give that you will be well pleased.” [Qur’an 93:1-5]
  • This surah was revealed in the context that, after the initial revelation, a pause of several months followed in which the Prophet (saw) received no more communication from Allah (swt).
  • The Prophet began to feel depressed, thinking that he had done something wrong or something to anger Allah.

His fellow Makkans, who were already skeptical of his claims, even began to ridicule him.

The lesson here is,

  • Tough times come in life of every human being, and more often than not, tough times are what make us who we are.
  • Today, depression, despair and sense of total hopelessness have been rife on earth even among Muslims, more than ever before. Soon antidepressants will become the most prescribed drug, and probably it is already in other parts of the world. But, a person who is depressed or grieved requires nurturing and caring of a well-wishing soul, more than his or her need of the pill. And who better to speak to you to calm you down than Allah – Jallah Jalaaluhu.

Action of the day:

  1. 1. When the tough gets going in any sphere of your life, reflect on these verses. These beautiful verses represent the antidepressant prescription from your Creator and Sustainer for all your grieves.

2. You need to wake up and see the sunshine; you need to remember that Allah loves you and will not forsake you; and you need to BELIEVE that things will get better for you, as He promised.


By: Hafidh bin Saif Alrawahy.

Islamic Information Center-Oman



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